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  • Writer's picturePauline Rivera

Backyard Genius: Wichita's Small Schools Create Huge Learning Fun

This blog post was generated from the following episode of the WISE and Otherwise Podcast with Dalena Wallace. Find more at:

In the heart of Wichita, Kansas, a revolution in education is quietly unfolding, led by passionate educators like Kimberly Stringer. Kimberly, the founder of Kreative Kids Faith Academy, is at the forefront of this transformative movement, offering a glimpse into the potential future of learning through her microschool. This narrative explores the journey, challenges, and triumphs of Kimberly and her innovative approach to education, which could inspire many more to follow in her footsteps.

The Birth of a Microschool

Kimberly Stringer, an early childhood educator with 38 years of experience, embarked on her journey with a clear vision: to provide individualized, nature-based education. Her passion for outdoor learning and personalized curriculum led her to establish a unique educational setting right from her home. This wasn't just any school; it was a microschool, characterized by its small size, tailored teaching methods, and close-knit community.

The concept of microschools, like the one Kimberly runs, is gaining traction as an innovative education model. These schools are smaller, more flexible, and often more affordable than traditional private education, making them an attractive option for families seeking a different learning environment for their children.

A Day at Kreative Kids Faith Academy

At Kimberly's microschool, children spend approximately 80% of their day outdoors, engaging with nature and learning through hands-on experiences. This approach not only fosters a deeper connection with the environment but also promotes physical health and well-being. The school's curriculum is highly individualized, with each child working at their own pace and level. This personalized learning ensures that students master each topic before moving on, providing a solid foundation for future learning.

The academy also emphasizes the importance of faith, incorporating prayer and biblical teachings into the daily routine. This faith-based approach resonates with many families in the community, creating a supportive and nurturing environment for children to grow both academically and spiritually.

Challenges and Triumphs

Transitioning from a larger facility back to her home, Kimberly faced challenges such as licensing hurdles and the physical demands of running a larger operation. However, these challenges did not deter her. Instead, they reinforced her commitment to her vision of a more intimate, home-based learning environment. The return to her home allowed for a renewed focus on the core values of her educational philosophy: individualized attention, a strong connection with nature, and a supportive community.

The impact of COVID-19 highlighted the effectiveness of Kimberly's outdoor and health-conscious approach, as her school reported zero cases during the pandemic. This success story brought attention to the benefits of outdoor learning and contributed to the growing interest in microschools as a viable alternative to traditional education settings.

The Community's Role

The success of Kreative Kids Faith Academy is not just a testament to Kimberly's dedication but also to the power of community involvement. Parents and families play a crucial role in the school's operation, contributing to its homely atmosphere and helping to keep costs down. This collaborative approach extends beyond the school's walls, as Kimberly actively encourages other families to consider homeschooling or starting their own microschools.

The sense of community and shared responsibility is a hallmark of the microschool model, offering a more personalized and connected educational experience. This approach not only benefits the students but also strengthens the community as a whole.

Looking Ahead

Kimberly Stringer's story is a beacon of innovation in education, demonstrating the profound impact of microschools like Kreative Kids Faith Academy. As more families seek alternatives to traditional schooling, microschools offer a promising path forward, combining personalized learning, community involvement, and a deep connection with nature.

Wichita's microschools, led by visionaries like Kimberly, are at the forefront of this educational revolution, providing a blueprint for others to follow. As this movement grows, it has the potential to reshape the landscape of education, making learning more accessible, individualized, and in tune with the natural world.

In the end, the story of Kreative Kids Faith Academy is more than just the story of a school; it's a testament to the power of innovative education and the difference one person can make in the lives of many. As we look to the future, the lessons learned from Wichita's microschools could very well guide the next generation of learners and educators.

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